Isa K. Chau

Data Scientist


Welcome! I'm an Audio UX Research Data Scientist/Project Manager at Pollen Music Group in San Francisco. I'm also a graduate of the Master of Information and Data Science program at UC Berkeley School of Information. My prior professional experience includes jobs in media production, special education, emergency medicine, and athletic training.

In my spare time I coach Olympic weightlifting and make pizza (not simultaneously). I am a proud East Bay resident since 2014.

Click to download my resume

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Recent Projects

Gredient for iOS

Award-winning machine vision app to help consumers avoid allergens when shopping

A Comparison of Efficacies of Altruistic & Egocentric Incentives

A/B test study of online user behavior in response to different types of rewards

BERT For Summarization: Sentiment Analysis for Identifying Gender Bias

Examination of a BERT-powered summarization model for gender bias using a lightweight word-choice approach

Poisonous Mushrooms - Dimensionality Reduction, Clustering, and Classification

Experimenting with PCA, data visualization, and clustering in the pursuit of classifying poisonous mushrooms

Image Recognition, Digit Classification with KNN and Naive Bayes

Trying out KNN and Naive Bayes models for classifying digits

Topic Classification with Logistic Regression

Implementing logistic regression models to classify text passages by topic

More Projects

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